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  • 1. You can roll the ball in your own fairway one club length but no closer to the hole.

  • 2. You must play the ball down everywhere else. If your ball lies on a tree root you can move the ball one club length no closer      to the hole. 

  • 3. If you hit a ball out of bounds you can drop 2 club lengths from the point the ball went out of bounds again no closer to the       hole. If you lose the ball you can play from the spot you and your group agree to where it was lost.

  • 4. See item 7 rules update for bunker play.

  • 5. No gimmies, putt everything out, however to improve the pace of play if you have reached double par on a hole you can           pick up and record double par score for that hole.

  • 6. Play ready golf when possible to keep up the pace of play. try to keep up with the group in front of you.

  • 7. Here are a couple of rule changes for bunker play 2020

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  •    Touching the sand with your club immediately in front of or behind your ball, during a practice swing or during your                backswing is a penalty (see Rule 12.2b(1)). If you do this, you get a loss of hole penalty in match play or two penalty strokes    in stroke play. Other touching of the sand in a bunker is generally ok, as long as you are not deliberately testing the condition    of the sand.


  •  A loose natural object is a loose impediment and may be removed anywhere on the golf course (see Rule 12.2a). But, you’ll  want to be careful that your ball does not move if you move a loose impediment or you will get one penalty stroke and must  replace your ball. An artificial object is an obstruction. If it’s movable, it may be moved anywhere on the course, including in  bunkers and penalty areas



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